Saturday, February 7, 2009

Its so cold; Assigment 5

This week in Ottawa, was not as cold as it was last week. Last week, we couldn't go outside for recess because it was minus thirty degrees, and if we stepped foot outside our noses would freeze, we had a ten minute frost bite warning, so it was MUCH MORE safer to stay inside. My teacher, asked us to write about how the "Early Canadians " survived, when it was this cold. We have stuff that they never had in the past, we have warm houses, heaters, blankets. Life for them was probably really bad the first winter, because they were probably not expecting it to be this cold, but later on they probably got used to it, just like we did. Also the weather in Canada changes a whole bunch, last year we had A LOT of snow, I'm pretty sure we had a record, but it wasn't as cold as it was this year. This year its cold, but we don't have to much snow. Have you ever wondered why they came to Canada in the first place? Well, one reason was, the government controlled how they lived, many of them were poor and barley had enough money to survive, so they probably thought Canada would give them a better chance at life, there are many more reasons they immigrated to Canada, another would be education. The government was also offering free land to those who were willing to move. Many of the houses back then only had ONE room, imagine living in one room with your whole family. How did they stay warm ? Well.. since it was ONE room, they had one fire place that was used for cooking and heating the home, it was made out of stone and has a huge chimney. The way they got around in the winter was by, covered sleighs pulled by horses. So now when your outside and its cold, imagine how the "Early Canadians" survived (: It must have been tough, but they managed to get through our Canadian winters. This website helped me with my research. The reason why my family and I immigrated to Canada was because there was a war in my country, and we had no other place to go but my family doesn't regret ever coming to Canada because here, we get a better education, and we met a bunch of new people. When we first got to Canada we didn't expect it to be this cold, the first winter we were extremely surprised because back in Europe the weather wasn't this cold, but as the years went on we got used to Canadian winters, just like the "Early Canadians" got used to living in the cold.