Friday, January 16, 2009

History of the Future -assigment #3

Why hello again,

I just read this blog, created by this man named Christopher Moore. This blog was about what happened in the past. In this blog he started talking about 1509,1609,1709 and all the way to now. The last thing he talked about in his blog was about the future as in 2109. This is the link to his blog. My assignment is to answer his question about 2109. In 2109 I think there are going to be alot of electronics and a bunch of new devices that are probably capable of doing anything, because now a days we have very interesting equipment, imagine a few years from now, if we have been able to discover so many things from the past, we will discover alot more, towards the future. I also think, in the future the world will be a more peaceful place for everyone to live in.Another thing that could change can be transportation is going to be alot faster in the future, especially if your going overseas it might not take as long as it does today. Who knows what can happen 100 years from today! I hope you enjoyed my opinion on what I think is going to be happening in the future.


Anonymous said...

hey,I like your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bardha,
Interestin' stuff. :P
Keep bloggin!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bardha,
Interestin' stuff. :P
Keep bloggin!

Anonymous said...

How can I follow your blog?